Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pray For the Jobless

I just go through reading KCC's prayer request.  Though I am well aware of the current job situation in our nation I sometimes loose touch with reality.  Several of out KCC members are out of work and in need of jobs.  This is a reminder for everyone who reads my blog.  Please keep your friends, family and church family who are looking for jobs in prayer.  Please continue to pray for our leaders to make wise decisions that will help our great country turn around and help people be employed able to support their families.

I would also like to challenge those who have.  One of the great things about the early church was the fact that no one was in need.  If you are able to help a family that is struggling financially please give somer serious consideration to making a donation to our Helping Hands ministry so that we can support one another during this economic crisis.

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